Friday, April 01, 2005

First Post Ever!

I've finally decided to make posts! I know amazing huh?! My friend Brittany tried to get me to do this for years, but on livejournal or something. It wasn't for me. It just didn't seem like me! I like this much better. This being April Fool's Day...I could do the over-done, stupid joke on my page. But I refuse to stoop to this level! You know it's April fools, so do's done.
Today is payday at my new job! Yippie, it's finally gonna be worth it. I've been in training for 2 weeks! And I have at least a few more days to go. There are some pretty funny people in my class. Eren, and Sharae....Danilyn. Today Babara brought in homemade "blackbottom" cupcakes. They are the best cupcakes I've ever had!!! She is gonna bring in the recipie tomorrow and I think I might post it online right here!
I actually woke up this morning at 3am like I should and stayed up! I don't know how it's possible, but I got to work in 10 minutes! Of course then I was really early!
When I go home, I'm gonna crawl in bed with Travis ;) and get him up so we can go see our other two horses (Blaze and Candi).
I wanna go home already and I just got here!
I've decided that from now on I'm going to try to have a sexual position of the day link everyday! If I forget, it's not like anyone reading this will care, but maybe they will. I hope one day to be popular enough that random people come to my blog! That would be "stellar" (I am totally stealing this from Eren and Sharae!)
Sexual Position of the Day it's not unsual, but this is just my first post!


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