Friday, September 02, 2005

Kill me....

Tonight Travis went to see his mom to finally find out what's going on and what we need to do...

Damn all that did was turn out to just advance the bad news....

Apparently, (and this is verbatum from what Travis told me) "Well....we are eloping and moving out."

If that doesn't help you understand why I wanna die I don't know what does.
These are the bits of info I got from him:

1. She doesn't trust me...she says it's a gut feeling (me: crushed)
2. She cannot live next door to him and me.
3. She won't come to our wedding.
4. She doesn't think (when we have children) that we should give them a choice at high school to pick public or private school.
5. She thinks he is making a bad decision marrying me.

I have to stop typing now....
I have to be able to finish work at least....
I need the money and if I leave early...I would have worked overtime for nothing yesterday.




I was gonna post the funniest Oh My Gods here it is...hope it cheers you up....Since I heard the news nothing has cheered me up....


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