Monday, August 29, 2005

Ruined weekend....

So this weekend Travis (who usually has off Friday night, or day based on the work week) had to work this Friday night. So I stayed at home and did the goodwife thing... cleaned house, cooked dinner.. I brought him lunch at midnight, home cooked burritos *aside* [tonight I am eating those leftovers] and we had a little pinic in the bed of his truck.
That was sweet and romantic, so we planned to spend Saturday, just us...together. You know one of those "fuck the rest of the world" days? Stay in bed, maybe do some horseback riding. *Sigh*

Or so we thought....

Apparently my darling honey....who loves his friends so much he hardly ever says "no", had told his friend that if he did buy that motorcycle that he was looking to buy, that he could come visit and spend the night. about 1pm (that is early for us third shifters), my puppy is going nuts barking up a storm...I roll over and say "Honey, is someone here?"
He looks out the window....there is his friend with his new bike.


So Travis tells his friend (this is really sweet) "I had to work yesterday, so I'll go ride with you for a little while, but I really wanna spend sometime just me and her."


His friend was fine with that, but....
"Didn't you say I could spend the night? What do you want me to do?"


We spend all day Saturday riding around with him and hanging out with him, then I finally got to pick the movie I want to see...The Brother's Grimm...but now his friend doesn't wanna see that....
Travis stood up to him and said "We're going to see Brother's Grimm, you can watch something else but we are watching that."
Then we spend most of the day Sunday (which we knew we had too) helping his dad get goats. *aside* [but they are darn cute goats]


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