Monday, April 04, 2005

Back to the grind....

This morning, armed with my gigantic notebook, my new water bottle, and 3$ effectively "borrowed" from Travis I headed back to work. When I arrived the parking lot was empty. It was crazy....everyone was dragging, including me, from the time change. Two or three people even showed up late because of it. Today I actually not only took calls, I typed and pretty much by myself! The girl sitting with me helped a little but not nearly as much as the other people I have been sitting with. My supervisior, is so nice. She really kinda looks like my mom. It's strange. She made me a cubicle today and when I am finished with "nesting" I'll get to move in there. I have lots of pictures of mustangs to pin up and I need to get a little horse calendar to hang. I'm gonna put up pictures of Travis and only him. Well maybe him and Scout, or any of my other horses.
Man, am I tired. I wanna go to bed and sleep. Instead I'll be running home, putting up with trying to get Travis up and then going to dinner with him. Finally, then I will able to go to sleep as soon as he goes to work. I have to record "Medium" tonight.
Sexual Position of the Day


Blogger Courtney + 1 said...

The Tarheels won the B-Ball Championship!!!
Go Heels!

4:15 AM  
Blogger Courtney + 1 said...

is it totally sad that I am the one leaving comments on my own posts?!??!?!

2:03 AM  

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