Blast from the Past!

So the other day at work I was trudging to the break room when a (I guess you could call her a friend, even though I think at one point she hated me more anyone in the world) I should leave her name out. Anyways. She works with me now and so I must be cordial. Even though I think she's a tad crazy. The only connection we have is this guy she used to date, and he was such a good friend of mine. She didn't like me because she thought I was trying to steal her boyfriend. I wasn't, in fact I was in the middle of a very serious relationship with John Morris. (I use his name because if you know me, you know him.) Then years after John, they were still dating, but she was doing some crazy stuff. I won't get into it, but it wasn't "normal". So my friend broke up with her and started dating a girl in our college and they got married. This friend also hooked me up with my ex-husband. Something I will not hold against him.

Back to the point, the only thing me and this girl have in common to talk about is her ex boyfriend, my friend. So I mention the fact that I was dating Travis back a long time ago, back when she was dating Robert. (There I said it) She gasped and said she hadn't thought about him in so long. She asked me when was the last time I had spoken to him. I told her it seemed like forever. I knew he had gotten married. She said she didn't even know that. Then she told me he had e-mailed her awhile back. I asked her for his email because I'd really like to talk to him again. I e-mailed him and he e-mailed me back. AND, he actually read my blog.
Finally! someone did.
I don't know there might be more people that read it, just no one has let me know if they do.
I few more updates;
Delilah is looking much better!
Her body is getting firmer and she's so damn strong, she about knocked me over yesterday when I was trying to walk her.
Dang it I need more pictures on here.... about pictures of the fabulous Dita Von Teese and Marilyn Manson

I was going to use a photo from thier beautiful wedding, but I couldn't find any. I have them in my Vogue at home.
Well I guess that is all for now.
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