So usually when I dream it's a little weird and I brush it off. But the other day I had a dream that was so good and unusual that I want it to happen again. I have submitted my dream to three different dream interpretation sites and no one seems to understand what it could mean. So, I offer my dream to you my friends. Please any interpretations would be appreciated. I also offer you what my dream dictionary offers for certain symbols in this dream. Enjoy.
I don't know how I got there or why, even though everything is different from real life, it seems to be perfectly normal for me to drive up to a house that looks vaguely familiar to an ex-boyfriend's house. Now in my dream, I don't think this, this is just something I know now from reviewing the dream. It looks like George's house (if your reading this George, nothing else about this dream has anything else to do with you.) I'm going to a guy's house for his birthday. I know I have a crush on this guy. He opens the door for me and my memories of him enter my dream. He looks like Leonardo DiCaprio (though it's not him) and I know he is really Satan.

(this picture I found the day I did this, I couldn't have picked a better pic, this looks JUST like what I saw. Very creepy cool.)
That's right the Devil himself. I know this and his mother knows this, no one else does.

I know his mother hates me. Why I don't know but she does. (this has nothing to do with Travis' mom especially recently) At the house he is all over me trying to get a "special birthday present" yah know. I keep telling him "no". I want to at least be loved by someone before having sex with them. We get in the back of the car, his mother is driving (I can't drive in the dream) he is kissing my neck and whispering in my ear. I keep pushing him away partially because I don't want to give in and also because the glare his mom keeps shooting my way in the rearview mirror. He cuts it off for a bit and decides to tell about where we are going. Apparently this is some old ruins and there is some love story tied to it very Guinevere and Lancelot. (I don't remember the story, just how I felt with him so close to me and warm. Staring at his lips as he spoke and feeling his hands on my shoulder as he was pointing out lights at the top of the mountain.

We finally arrived at the top of the mountain and we eventually escaped his mother. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into one of the ruins.

There were random tourists walking all about he put his arms around me and looked into my eyes and told me "I love you" I told him I didn't believe him, he's the devil of course, Satan can't love. I point this out to him. He denounces being the devil and gives himself over to love. Then he kisses me. Very deep and passionate, I can feel it even in my sleep.

It makes me weak in the knees, the kiss progresses in front of all those people, but we don't care, we are so hot for each other. His hands are up my shirt and he has me pressed against the wall. He's raising my skirt and I can feel him hard against me (even that in my sleep). Just before we go all the way his mother finds us, and we straighten up and follow her out giggling to ourselves. The dream ends abruptly after that because of a damn alarm clock.
Okay according to my dream dictionary:
to dream that you and the Devil were in friendly terms (hahahaha) suggests that you may be seduced and tempted into doing something you do not want to do.
to dream that you are in a dispute with your mother-in-law signifies that you will be greatly annoyed by callous and unfeeling people around you.
To dream about a celebrity means you admire that certain quality he/she brings to your dream (hehehe good looks!)
mountains imply many major obstacles and challenges. Alternately a higher realm of consciousness, knowledge, spiritual truth.
riding in the backseat of car indicates you are putting yourself down and allowing other to take over. It also signifies that even in pleasant situations you will still be restless and dream of being kissed denotes love, affection, tranquility, harmony, and dream of lips shows sensuality, sex, love, and romance. to dream of having sex in public relates to some overt sexual issue or need. Your dream may be telling you that you need to express yourself more openly.Now it comes down to you.....Any suggestions to what this might mean?
Help me....