Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Steam is literally blowing out of my ears!

Okay, I realize all of you out there reading my blog know my life history. (Mostly because the ones reading this are hopefully friends) Today I decided to venture out and see my ex-husband's yahoo personals ad that he placed! (I was rolling on the floor laughing when I found out and now I am pissed that I found it!) I looked it up and yahoo and read it....
First, here is a link to the ad read it and then come back and I'll break it down for you.
John David

1.) His eyes aren't green
2.) He's definately goofy...look at the pictures he looks goofy to me!
3.) He does smoke
4.) He doesn't live alone he lives with his mommy
5.) He isn't a high school grad
6.) No one who works at Wal-mart makes 25,000-34,999
7.) He doesn't speak Japanese, Arabic or Russian he only knows like army phrases in those languages.
8.) That whole thing about me being unfaithful while he was "away serving his country" is bullshit!! He was in Georgia for god's sake! Georgia is not away and sitting on his ass in a dorm, because his fake headaches were "so bad"
9.) You can't "love" psychology that much if you can't even spell it right!
10.) "most of all I just love to have a good time and for me to have a good time the people or person that I am with or around to have to be decent human beings anyways if your looking for...." Good god that man is a dumbass!!

Enough said!

*sigh* oh I am so pissed off....mostly because of the comment about me, that is no one elses business....I mean I know he doesn't say my name or anything but shit that pisses me off! I can't believe he'd air shit like that! I just wanna scream!

*think about Travis*

Much better...... *happy sigh*
I'll just look down at my pretty glittery and look up at my pictures and think about how happy I am when I am in Travis' arms and *POOF!*
it's all better :D

Sexual Postion of the Day

Friday, May 20, 2005

Congratulations All Around

Everyone is congradulating me, and Travis for our great news. I found out this afternoon right before work that on the same day I was proposed to, my friend Russell found out what him and his girlfriend Vickie's baby is. It's a BOY! His name is gonna be Russell Dean Junior. I'm happy for them. They are getting married on May 17th next year....*sigh* it'll be the anniversary of our proposal, but I'll gladly give it up when I have a wedding anniversary to celebrate instead. :)

*EXTREMELY PERSONAL* read with extreme caution
Yesterday when I got home from work Travis got all frisky. (this has become a intresting but welcome change in the past few days since the proposal) We were going along great really pumping and enjoying every minute of it. I can tell he's about to climax and it's gonna be a big one ;) I'm getting all excited, expecting him to explode all over my breasts or in my mouth. He always gives me a warning, so when I hear "ready?" I am....but first his faces twists and I realize he's coming and he's still inside me...then he pulls out and comes on my breasts. I kiss him after he snuggles up to me and I ask him if he knew that he came in me a little and he says "yes" and when I ask him why (not that it's really a bad thing) he said because he wants to, he loves me and he doesn't care what happens. I wonder....I don't really want to be pregnant right before I get married....that would suck. No offense to other unwed mothers, I just don't wanna be one.

Okay back to normal......
*sigh* at work tonight I got all light-headed and I thought I might pass out. I am very glad that I didn't. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be??

I'm cutting this short because I just got a call from a crazy woman, who at 2:12 am wanted to fill out an Overdraft Line of Credit Application over the phone....."Incoming call" son of a bitch!!!

Sexual Position of the Day

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I suck, I know

I am so sorry..... there I was telling all of you (nobody) that I could post something new everyday and damn if I didn't totally forget about my access to the internet and all about my blog! I am so sorry to all of you out there (no I don't know your names) that were desperately missing my blog. I hope to never forget you like that again. Especially when I have GREAT news....IMPORTANT news.....BREAKING news!! Travis proposed!! YEAH!!

He got down on one knee and gave me a gorgeous three stone diamond ring! I love it. I love him more. I never thought that the words "fucked up" would be in my proposal, but leave it to my honey to add that in. It also threw me off....for the first time since he got the ring, I was not prepared. I was shocked....I didn't know he was gonna do it right then. But it was sweet and great and I am very happy. I came into work later that day (no it wasn't today) and I was beaming. I showed everyone who would look and told everone that would listen! That was May 17th! Tomorrow we are going to see Star Wars Episode 3!! I am so excited and so happy.

Today I had a customer threaten the bank. He said he was going to destroy us for taking his money. *sigh* Why oh why.....why me!

Anyways back to work I have like an hour left to go! Yippie!!!! Then one more day... 10:30 pm- 7:00am like usual. Today was a little different. 10:00-6:30 but I get to go home earlier.

Travis picked me roses this morning. Oh they are so pretty. I wish I could put a picture of them on here but I can't download the picture uploader onto my computer at work.

Well, now I am very sleepy I have like 8 minutes left on my break and about 50 minutes left of work so I am gonna post this entry and trudge through the next few ....ha! few....mintues of work and then go home. Get comfortable and then...ah...what I am really looking forward to....SLEEP! I've got to get up at like 4:30 though because we have to open me a new bank account where Travis does his checking and he needs to get an ATM/VISA card. I can't live without mine. *sigh* Later!

of course I didn't forget....
Sexual Position of the Day

Friday, May 13, 2005

*Big Sigh*

So, today is Friday the 13th and it's turning out to be a real nightmare. Last night I went to bed thinking everything is going so well! Travis really loves me we are happy blah...blah...blah. God I hate beer and liqour! Apparently Travis was a little drunk and doesn't remember saying those things. Yippie. Thursday morning when I got off work....a little backwards here. Travis finally called David about his graduation and what to do about me. Apparently Charles is the one who doesn't want me to come. Travis doesn't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I wanna go, I REALLY wanna go. I hate missing out on any fun. And they are going to have lots of fun. But then again I don't want to keep Travis from his friends and such. Especially since they will automatically think that he isn't coming because I don't want him to, which is not the case. I want him to go and have fun, but I'll miss him terribly and I want to go too! Life's not fair is it?
Life is pain, anyone who says diffrently is selling something.
--Westley (Princess Bride)
So, I am just gonna sit here and *sigh* till something happens. I've got to go to lunch...Be back soon.
back-- well I talked to Travis again and he's decided...tomorrow he is gonna call David back and tell him either it's, he goes down there spends the graduation sees Charles has dinner and comes home, or I get to come, we'll get a hotel and I'll be at the mall while Travis is at the graduation, Travis will come get me for dinner and then me and him will stay at the hotel and in the morning he'll go skeet/trap shooting with David and Charles in the morning. I think that sounds great. I also told Travis he needs to call Charles and see what is up with him, and why he can't just be cool with me coming. So I won't be writing for the weekend but I will fill all of you (nobody yet) what happened over the weekend. God I hope it smooths itself out, for Travis and my sake.
Sexual Position of the Day (tried it this morning....works great)

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I'm baaaaacccckkkkk!!

I know that you have all been wondering when I will be making new entries eh? Yeah all of...nobody! Oh well back to my journaling. Now I am on 3rd shift so I should be able to write a lot more. I think I'll give this address out to my friends in diffrent parts of the country and such that don't get to hear from me much. "Incoming Call"... brb
Okay...so I am making entries during calls since we are "updating" our systems. That means the computers are down. I've made a list of the benefits of 3rd shirt.
1.) Everything is better in the dark ;)
2.) Systems are "updating" so not much to do.
3.) Encouraged (almost) to get on the internet to stay awake.
4.) No more V.I.P. days! Yippie!
5.) I've finished 3 books already!
6.) Lunch breaks where I get to choose what I want to watch on the TV
7.) Drunk people are funny.
8.) People understand that you want to sleep-in late!
9.) An extra dollar in pay!
10.) Chocolate covered espresso beans given out by supervisior!!
Aren't those great reasons?! Well back to my news, Travis bought me an engagement ring. I am not quite sure when he is gonna propose, but I really hope it is soon. His mother is acting a little off about it, I really hope she warms up to me again and realizes how much I love him..."incoming call"....
Okay...this weekend is David Kelly's college graduation. He first said I could come with Travis and now he is saying that Brittany is coming (Travis' ex) and so he's asked Travis and Charles (Brittany's brother) to not bring either of us. I find this very unfair! First of all, I am Travis' girlfriend, soon-to-be fiance, she is his ex, she is just Charles sister, WHY does she need/want to come other than to see Travis?! That has to be it. So, why can't Charles just not bring her and I get to go? That isn't fair. This sucks. Travis says he isn't going unless I get to go. *Yawn* (downside #1 to 3rd shift). On a plus side Travis bought baby clothes for us to put away for someday....."incoming call"
He bought us a baby "KISS" onezie, a baby "Guns and Roses" t-shirt, and a baby "Who's Your Daddy" StarWars t-shirt. I love them! Well I guess I've written all I can now. *sigh* Any suggestions? Oh wait...no one reads this.

OOhhh! Sexual Position of the Day!

Oh and wait I just got an memo from my team leader that has the funniest thing at the bottom...

All rights reserved. Offer vaild while supplies last. Limited time offer, call now to ensure prompt delivery. You must be present to win. Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. Batteries not included. Contents may settle during shipment. Use only as directed. No other warranty expressed or implied. Do not use while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. Subject to change without notice. At participating locations only. Substaintal penalty for early withdrawal. Use only in a well-ventilated area. Not recommended for children. Reproduction strictly prohibited. Not actual size. Your mileage may vary. Terms are subject to change without notice. Do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of law. No subsitiutions allowed. Product is provided "as is" without any warranties. Quantities are limited. Read at your own risk. Keep away from sunlight. Keep away from pets and small children. No refunds without original reciept. No money down. No purchase necessary. No preservatives added. Safety goggles may be required during use. Not liable for damage arising from use or misuse. Keep away from open flames. Do not puncture, incinerate, or store above 120 degrees fahrenheit. Allow four to six weeks for delivery. Other restrictions may apply.