I can send pix from my phone to here!
I wonder if I can send videos???
I'll try....
random thoughts of a deranged mind.....
which means "sky".
You're a real
day-dreamer. You wish you could just fly away
from it all to explore the world... You love to
explore and travel, and if that's not possible
in reality, you'll just think and day-dream
about it. You're probably very curious.
Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!]
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You're very dark. (like me!)You tend to be good at
arts; dancing singing, writing, drawing,
acting, ect.
How dark are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I really like these results.....You're Guinevere!
(Keira Knightley)
You're Guinevere, from King Arthur! You are one
cool girl! You are brave and beautiful and you
got both Arthu and Lancelot head over heels for
your corageous way of living... The thing you
want the most is your freedom and the freedom
of your people... You end up marrying Arthur
(Lucky you!) on a beautiful hill and you
changed Arthur's mind about going back to a
rome that only existed in his mind... You
totally ROCK!
Which Movie Princess are you ??
brought to you by Quizilla
People see love in your eyes. You either love
everyone around you ooor...somebody's in
loooove, no? Seriously, though... You seem to
have a lot of love in your heart right now.
You're singing songs and picking flowers...or
at least you feel like doing so. And we can't
forget floating on air, right? Well, don't let
anyone ruin that for you, and if things don't
turn out...don't worry over it. There are worse
things, and you know it.
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
brought to you by Quizilla
SENSUAL BEAUTY - You are passionate, sensitive, and
a dreamer. You are idealistic and have an
excellent imagination. You are also a deep
thinker and are very sensitive. Extremely
perceptive you are able to pinpoint the
emotions of others even if they are trying to
hide them. You are sociable and many people
like you because you are so affable,
compassionate, and empathetic. You feel others
pain as deeply as your own and you'd help them
before yourself. You are also a highly loving
person who needs to be surrounded by people who
love you in return.
What type of beauty do you possess? (20 questions + 7 results + pretty pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Okay I think I'm done for the day....
I feel all pretty.... :)
I feel happy.